
Original Full High Definition SaberCatHost Dominguez Vs. Dominguez

2018 Dominguez vs. Dominguez


Brief A former NY Golden Glove Champion and USA Olympic Team boxer realizes that his worst enemy all of his life was himself and his inability to read and write. At 61 the audience see Michael Dominguez deal with the challenges of being completely illiterate, falling from grace and trying to make it in the world as a 61 year old boxer who quit boxing in his prime and also never learned how to read or write. Runtime 15 min. genre Short. Dominguez vs. dominguez. Dominguez vs. dominguez la.


Dominguez vs. dominguez park. Dominguez vs. dominguez brothers. Dominguez vs. dominguez y. Dominguez and escalante family tree. Dominguez vs. dominguez ca. Dominguez and sons trucking san jose.

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